Monday, December 3, 2012

Easier than I Imagined

With the exception of the mouse issue, I am finding this journey easier than I expected.  It turns out than instead of counting the minutes pass by on the clock, I am actually wishing I had more time to pray.  Also, I have finally found a quiet space to actually listen to God.  Prayer was never meant to be a one-way conversation and I am realizing that more and more with every hour.  As I am quiet in moments of prayer,  God quietly speaks to me about my life

My mind tends to race with things to do.  How about yours?   Yet as I surrender my time, my thoughts and my needs to him in prayer, He slows my thoughts, calms  my concerns and comforts in a way that brings clarity and vision.

I am leaving you with a gift--peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don't be troubled or afraid.  John 14:27 (NLV)

A Little Surprise

My first morning, up before the crack of dawn to pray was a surprise.  I thought my attention span would be challenged.  How would I fill all that time? What would I do if I ran out of things to say?  Was this such a good idea after all?

I took a moment to prepare my heart and earnestly, wholeheartedly asked the Lord to keep my mind free from distractions as I opened my Bible for direction.  As I glanced out of the corner of my eye, I was startled to see a furry, little critter scurrying across my floor.  A mouse in the house!?  This was not off to such a good start. After a small  outburst, I quickly left the house in an attempt to evade the rodent.

I knew I could not stay in the house and talk to God without being distracted. Today would be a prayer-walk kind of day.

"Lord, get that mouse out of my house!"
Not a very holy prayer.
But VERY heartfelt.

The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.  James 5:16

1000 Hours is a Long Time!

After participating in a church wide initiative to log a thousand hours of prayer, I felt God whisper to my  heart, "What would change if YOU prayed for 1,000 hours?"

Intrigued?  Yes. I truly believe that the invisible things are often more real than the visible, so I imagined.  Could courses be set?  Could lives be forever changed?  Could dreams be realized? Could unhealthy, destructive patterns be disassembled?
Yes. Yes. Yes and Yes.

I hesitated though.  One thousand hours is a long time.  I am a busy mother of three.  Impossible.  Two months later, I remembered the conversation and realized that I am too busy to not take my prayer life to a new level.

So, how about you?  What might happen in your life if you prayed for 1,000 hours?